
SpeeDx at Australasian Sexual Health Conference 2016: The Review

SpeeDx present recent findings on theResistancePlus® MG test at the 2016 Australasian Sexual Health Conference.

SpeeDx R&D Director Dr Litty Tan presented a recent research study using the test on over 1000 specimens demonstrating its ability to simultaneously detect MG and Azithromycin Resistance Mutations.

SpeeDx has just returned from showing their new data from the tests run with the ResistancePlus®MG test in a presentation by Dr Litty Tan at the 2016 Australasian Sexual Heath Conference on the 14th November in the Adelaide Convention Centre. The test’s ability to simultaneously detect Azithromycin Resistance Mutations and Mycoplasma genitalium is just one example of the growing impact SpeeDx is having on the Medical Diagnostics industry.[1]

“The conference has been incredibly successful for us,” said Colin Denver, CEO of SpeeDx. “Advances in detecting resistance biomarkers are key to stopping the rising threat of antibiotic resistance.”

Dr Litty Tan also commented: “It was great to meet so many people who are supportive of all the things we are doing here at SpeeDx.  We will build on this conference going forward and we aim to continue our development of our ResistancePlus® pipeline.”

Other notable presentations included Dr Catriona Bradshaw’s presentationMycoplasma genitalium: the new Chlamydia” in which she clearly outlined the similarities in the emergence of M. genitalium to that of Chlamydia trachomatis.

SpeeDx attending the Australasian sexual health conference


About Mycoplasma genitalium

Mycoplasma genitalium is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that can cause symptoms including urethritis, cervicitis and pelvic inflammatory disease. In the general population, the prevalence of M. genitalium ranges from 1% – 3% and in higher risk populations it ranges from 10 – 40%, often exceeding that of Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection. M. genitalium infection has been largely under reported due to the difficulty of isolating and culturing the organism, which can take months. This difficulty means that molecular testing is the only practical method of reliably identifying M. genitalium. Antibiotic resistance to the recommended antimicrobial treatment, azithromycin, is rapidly emerging. Various government initiatives have focused on increasing the development and use of rapid molecular diagnostic tests for identifying infections and also characterizing the presence of any resistant bacteria.
