PlexPCR® RespiVirus - SpeeDx
PlexPCR® RespiVirus

PlexPCR® RespiVirus

Detect 11 clinically relevant respiratory viruses

Influenza A, Influenza B, Rhinoviruses (A & B), Respiratory Syncytial Viruses (A & B), Human metapneumovirus, Adenoviruses, Human parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3 & 4 in a 2-well multiplex qPCR test


Increase productivity this respiratory virus season

Why use PlexPCR® RespiVirus?

Laboratories face increasing numbers of respiratory samples for testing each year as greater pressure is placed on clinicians to determine the cause of infection before prescribing antibiotics.

  • Maintain clinically relevant turn-around times even during peak testing season.
  • Ensure timely reporting of results to optimize treatment decisions for patient management.

Tested on hundreds of clinical and QAP samples, PlexPCR® RespiVirus demonstrates excellent sensitivity and specificity.

SpeeDx PlexPCR RespiVirus product box
PlexPrepPlexPrep _ with respi tubes

PlexPCR® RespiVirus workflow solution

Streamline your workflow and increase productivity for rapid, routine diagnostics. Validated software solutions included in contract pricing, is license free, providing automated result calling and simple data processing.

  • Increase sample throughput compared with 3- or 4-well tests.
  • Validated on a range of specimen types
  • Flexible well configuration with 96 or 384 well options
  • Run up to 1536 samples in under 7 hours with standard laboratory equipment


Option to fully automate your workflow with the PlexPrep™ liquid handling solution for sample prep and qPCR set-up:

  • Compact system (63.5cm x 53.4cm, 38.5kg) with integrated touchscreen
  • Compatible with 96- and 384-well plates
  • Includes liquid level detection and monitored air displacement technology for accurate and reproducible performance

PlexPCR® RespiVirus Performance Specifications

Demonstrated clinical performance – for more detail please see the PlexPCR® RespiVirus Instructions for Use.

Performance of PlexPCR® RespiVirus
Performance of PlexPCR® RespiVirus
Sensitivity 94.1% 98.0% 94.6% 96.7% 100% 100% 100%
Specificity 99.2% 99.7% 99.4% 96.6% 98.8% 99.7% 99.6%


PlexPCR® RespiVirus is a qualitative, 2-well, one-step, reverse transcription real-time PCR (RT-qPCR) assay for the detection of Influenza A (FluA), Influenza B (FluB), Rhinoviruses (RhV), Respiratory Syncytial Viruses A and B (RSV A and B), Human metapneumovirus (HMPV), Adenoviruses B and C (AdV B and C) and Human parainfluenza viruses 1, 2, 3 and 4 (HPIV 1-4).


Well 1: Rhinovirus (RhV), Respiratory Syncytial Viruses (RSV) A and B, Influenza A (FluA), Influenza B (FluB), Internal Control

Well 2: Human metapneumovirus (HMPV), Adenoviruses B and C (AdV), Human parainfluenza viruses 1,2,3 and 4 (HPIV 1-4)


Sample types

  • Swabs: nasopharyngeal swabs only


Amplification instruments

  • Roche LightCycler® 480 Instrument II (LC480 II)
  • Applied Biosystems® 7500 Fast Dx (7500 Fast Dx)

Shipping Conditions

Products are shipped on dry ice or ice gel packs.


Storage & stability

Expiry dates are stated on the labels. It is recommended that freeze/thaw cycles be limited to less than 15. Store protected from light at – 25°C to – 15°C.


Intended use

For in vitro diagnostic use. Not for sale in the USA.


Regulatory status

CE-IVD, TGA cleared, IVDR Certified, MoH Cleared


Please contact your local representative if you can’t find what you are looking for.

Information Bruchures


Package Inserts

Safety Data Sheets


Current Software Version

  • PlexPCR® RespiVirus (LC480) v2.0


Related Products

Certificate of Analysis

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Instructions for use

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Software Download

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Publications & Media

We are committed to supporting continued scientific discovery and generation of clinically relevant data. Collaborations with key researchers and clinicians around the globe help us improve diagnostics and address urgent clinical needs.

ECCMID 2019 Clinical Prospective Study comparing In-house Respiratory Viral Assays With a Highly Multiplexed Commercial Assay developed by SpeeDx

Clinical Prospective Study comparing In-house Respiratory Viral Assays With a Highly Multiplexed Commercial Assay developed by SpeeDx

Nair S et al. 29th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID). 13 – 16 April 2019 Amsterdam, Netherlands. 

Tested 204 upper respiratory and nasal swab specimens with PlexPCR RV 11 (beta) against in-house qPCR. Demonstrated high sensitivity and specificity even in complex multiplex assays with decreased reaction setup from 4 to 2 wells.


SpeeDx PlexPCR RespiVirus assay detects a broad range of contemporary human influenza strains and increases laboratory throughput and efficiency.

Bone S et al. 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) accepted abstract April 2020.

Conducted in silico analysis to investigate the inclusivity of the PlexPCR® RespiVirus assay against contemporary human strains of influenza A and B viruses and conduct a workflow analysis to calculate sample throughput for a testing laboratory during respiratory virus season. All strains from 2018/2019 vaccine strains are expected to be detected. Workflow analysis revealed that a typical testing laboratory would be able to process up to 192 samples in 3 hours and 45 minutes.

SpeeDx Resistance Plus MG product box

Check back for more relevant papers and publications coming soon.

Ordering Information

Please contact SpeeDx for information about offering SpeeDx diagnostics in your clinic or for a list of current pathology clinics where SpeeDx testing is available.

PlexPCR® RespiVirus*
CompatibleLC480 II
Size192 reactions
PlexPCR® RespiVirus Analysis Software*
CompatibleLC480 II
Size1 unit
PlexPCR® Colour Compensation*^ kit
CompatibleLC480 II
Size2 reactions
PlexPCR® RespiVirus Positive Control* kit
CompatibleAll platforms
Size10 reactions
Product Compatible Size Catalogue
PlexPCR® RespiVirus* LC480 II 192 reactions 1201192
PlexPCR® RespiVirus Analysis Software* LC480 II 1 unit 99011
PlexPCR® Colour Compensation*^ kit LC480 II 2 reactions 90001
PlexPCR® RespiVirus Positive Control* kit All platforms 10 reactions 95002

*Not for sale in USA
Validated on LightCycler 480 II
^Supplied upon request. This kit is only required for initial set-up to establish calibration of PlexPCR® and ResistancePlus® kits on the LC480 instrument, see instruction for use for details.

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