SpeeDx is Featured in Genomeweb Article - SpeeDx

SpeeDx is Featured in Genomeweb Article

Genomeweb highlights the launch of SpeeDx’ STI and antimicrobial resistance test. During the interview, Colin Denver – the Vice President of Sales and Marketing of SpeeDx – emphasized our track record with previous licensees, which validated our technology and leveraged our capability in developing our own products. Colin, who joined to setup the sales and marketing unit at the company, told the reporter on recent rebranding activities, and SpeeDx’ core technologies are now known as PlexZymes®  and PlexPrime® . The article further highlights the Australian launch of PlexPCR®  product lines for HSV-1, 2, VZV and drug resistance in Mycoplasma genitalium at the World STI and HIV Congress. The HSV test detected a number of co-infections that were previously missed, and the drug resistance test is the first nucleic acid assay of its kind for M. genitalium.

The full article can be found here: SpeeDx Launching Line of Multiplex STI