
Antibiotic Guardian Campaign aims to raise awareness of  Antibiotic Resistance in STI’s

Dr Jensen’s article highlights the problem facing us but provides a guide to potential solutions.

Dr Jorgen Jensen has contributed an interesting article to the Guardian newspaper Antibiotic Resistance campaign, which discusses the issue of present treatments for Mycoplasma genitalium and how they add to the threat of Antibiotic Resistance. Although he does outline some effective treatment regimens for some of the STI’s threatening the world today, Mycoplasma genitalium provides a huge challenge since it has developed some resistance to many of the current antibiotics in use.

However, he says on a more optimistic note that “the latest testing kits not only diagnose the condition, they can also detect specific drug resistance so the most effective antibiotic can be prescribed.” He believes it is in the field of Antibiotic Resistance where “diagnostics provide invaluable insight,” and that they will help us to fight this adapting threat. With this in mind it is clear that we all have a responsibility to continue to raise awareness of both Mycoplasma genitalium and Antibiotic Resistance.


For the full article click here