Mycoplasma genitalium

ResistancePlus® MG FleXible

Detect Mycoplasma genitalium and macrolide resistance markers.


With this sample-to-answer solution validated for all Cepheid GeneXpert®  Systems.

MG FleXible product

Product Code: S2A-2000410

Assay Documentation

Tech Support

Region Telephone Email
Australia and New Zealand +1800 130 821
+ 0800 001 028
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Austria +43 720 380 091 [email protected]
France +33 563 825 319 [email protected]
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Belgium, Netherlands and Luxembourg +33 563 825 319 [email protected]
United Kingdom +44 3303 332 533 [email protected]
Other European, Middle East and African countries +33 563 825 319
+971 4 253 3218
[email protected]

Further Cepheid support offices are available at or

Contact SpeeDx for more information